Monday, November 28, 2011

The Neverending Cycle of Love, Loss, and Fireflies!

     You guys all remember the hit song fireflies by owl city in 2009. Well, of course I do, for I now have it stuck in my head in an endless cycle of love loss and fireflies as the title points to. Another thing your probaly wondering is: why is danielle so different each time she posts in her musical blog? Well, the answer is that I always find new bands, new songs, new genres, and new favorites. My favorite band is still black veil brides and I still listen to mostly rock and heavy metal but I also enjoy electronica, alternative, emo, screamo, and sometimes acoustical. My patterns are also never ending for I do choose to only post less frequently as time goes on but I find my blog a sort of time line for my life. When I first started this blog I was just another girl in school. I wore only areopostale and brand names which really ticked my parents off. Now, I am just coming out of my shell for I wear barely any aero and band tee shirts, hello kitty shirts, and variations of all kinds mixed with my already growing collection of brightly colored sneakers. I get alot of complaints of how I am "emo" or "goth", but all that matters is that I know who I am and no one will change that, not even you, my lovely readers.

Yours Truly,
Danielle Thedinosaur
P.S these are my accounts if you want to add me:
Twitter: danielle_RAWR
Myyearbook: Danielle Thedinosaur
Myspace: Danielle Thedinosaur

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Alesana New Album

     I can't believe it! I love Alesana, and their new album is out October 18! I can't wait, I need to go to hot topic soon so I kan get it. Also, I have one more thing that I need to say. Sometimes, I forget I'm fat, then when I remember, I feel even worse.... IDK :P

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wowzas.... sorry bout that...

Well, as you can see, I know longer am posting that often. Thanks, Danielle, I think I knew that. but really there is no excuse so i have nothing to say but rawr. I am a night owl, hear me MOOOO! Well, anyways, the main reason is that my little netbook died. Yeah, that's it and now it's in the repare shop but I have a youtube. It's Mrsrockerchik333 yeah, I don't have alot of videos, but I got a haircut! I am reallyyyyy random right now, but have fun!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I get Depressed Without Music...

     I have been listening to music non stop.  It's like I will get depressed without it! It's all I do, I breathe, eat, and sleep music. I have also started song writing, I wrote one song called Invisible and a work in progress song called let me be me. I found that writing a song when something is bothering you helps you and makes a really good song. Of course right now my songs are kind of cheesy because I am only twelve and all the things I write about have nothing to do with love or anything like that. I make songs about how I want my parents to except me for who I am and how I dislike how my friends sometimes leave me out and how it's killing me. I basically write about normal stuff, but I figured out that finding myself isn't something I don't think I was supposed to do until I was fourteen or something. Oh well, that just means I'm weird, and weird is awesome :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

I've Found Myself Through Music

     I have recently discovered who I am. I love rock and I found myself through Black Veil Brides Music. I went through alot trying to find myself, but I found me. I am happy, but I hope my friends can learn to love me the way I am, and not try to change me. I am worried about their reactions but so far, the ones I have revealed a tiny bit of my new me, they took it well. They befriended me over again quite easily, but this blog doesn't match my personality, it will be going through a bit of a transformation over time.

By the way, I broke my laptop so I can't post as offen as I'd like to, but thanks for listening.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Falling In Reverse

     I am sorry to say but this is another music post. I have fallen in love with yet another genre/ bands. I have fallen in love with.... wait for it..... punk rock! Yes, I know, but it's really good! I love the band falling in reverse, escape the fate, mayday parade, and much more. I am not the biggest fan of scream o but it's okay, I really like it though. 
     And, I finally figured out what I want for my birthday. I would like to get an electric guitar, they are linked. You see, I was looking at some random youtube videos when I came across an awesome youtuber that plays guitar really awesomeley, and he only like plays punk rock, which is where I first heard it because my dad is into old rock and hasn't introduced me to punk rock so now, I am officially obsessed. Sorry for the short post but bye, bye!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Florence and The Machine

     I think I am in love. Seriously! I am in love with Florence + the Machine! It's the most amazing band ever, my favorite song is Rabbit Heart, it's pure bliss for me. I also enjoy The Drumming Song, Cosmic Love, and Dog Days Are Over. If you've been wondering why I neglected posting for... four days, well blame it on their awesome music :)
     By the way, I also apologize for my messed up posting, I just had a need to do something insane and I did :) Don't you just love me? Well, anyways, I've been so insanely busy right now in between Marsupial Girl practices and friends and chores and instruments, I have just been a very naughty blogger! (Though I sadly say I only have six followers :() I just have been so distracted lately that I am a little messed up, yes, messed up. 
     Okay so, yeah. I am not really an interesting person but, tell your friends, and tell your friends friends! I am very depressed here about my followers... I have to start "advertising" again. *wink, wink* I really have nothing else to say so... I am going to put up the music video for "rabbit heart" right now. Yeah so love ya'll!  

P.S Sorry for the short post, I really don't have anything else to say :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Love you all

I love you all. What a perfect way to start a post! I am not exactally happy with the way my camping trip went, so happy to meet you and you and you! I am just having a fabulous tea party, would you like to join me?

Tea. There is lots and lots of tea. We have Mint Tea, Herb Tea, and Mixed Berry Tea. Which would you like?
Food. Well, there is lots of food, we have biscuits, honey and bread, cookies, and more. 
Tea Cups. Well, do you want the ones with the flowers, or the ones with the bees, or even the ones with barney on them!

Just like a tea party, your life is yours to decide. I made mine into a ginger tea with lots and lots of Honey, what are you? Confession time yes, it's my first confession post so here goes.
Confession 1: I miss my friends. I haven't seen my dear best friends in over a week!
Confession 2: I want to go to paris really, really, really badly!
Confession 3: I don't like me. 

What type of tea are you? Your time to decide, not mine

What I will Wear When I go to Paris......someday.......

What I will Wear When I go to Paris......someday.......

Thursday, July 14, 2011

That's How The King Works

     Yes, another tv quote. I dearly apologize for that, I truly do. But, it was a hilariously stated comment made by a characters older brother when she and her family was at dinner. Her dad and the rest of her family didn't want her to date a boy who cheated on her by kissing a school ummm  *schlut....* and she wanted too. To explain how the household works her dad called it a kingdom, altimately leaving him the possioning of a king.
     The funny part is that at the end of their conversation the family says the final answer is a no. Her older brother, who has down syndrome, looks straight at her and says: that's how the king works. Funniest or one of the funniest things I have ever heard! And a.k.a that was via the secret life of the american teenager. I am watching it from the very beginning and that was episode three.
     So, I do say I have gotten into a play called the tale of a west texas marsupial girl, and I sadly say that we have practice eight hours a week, and I am playing a really big part if I do say so myself. So that equals two days four hours each. It is grueling work of theater!
     I would love for all five of you to come to the play, but that would give away my identity, so for now, tata!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nobody Tosses a Dwarf!... Ahhh not the beard!

Today I didn't go to my summer child care because *cough, cough* I have a sore throat. Yes, I know it's not a very good excuse but my Mom didn't go to work either! Well, since I have all this free time, I decided to watch The Lord of the Rings. Note: I have never seen the movie before and since I've heard how good the books and the movies are, I decided to watch it. Ummm.... let's just say I think I'm obsessed :) I am watching it right now and I've got to take a break from typing because I'm at the part where Galdaf is hanging off a cliff after defeating the shadow. Yes, I will be back I dare say! *elevator music activated* HE FELL!!!!!! I can't believe it! He fell. Me. Not. Happy. I want him back! But, I think, since he's a wizard and all he will probally fly back up, right? I'm going to find out.
     Well, if your wondering why the post title is "Nobody tosses a dwarf!.... Ahhh not the beard!", it's because that is now my new favorite quote, let's hear the explanation, now shall we? *laughs maniaclly* Well, this dwarf king is about to jump across a big break in some seriously dangerous stairs, and before he jumps can you guess what he says? He says: Nobody tosses a dwarf!", then when he's losing his balance the hot guy with the long white hair grabs his beard to pull him back up..and can you guess what he says to that? He screams: Ahhhhhh not the beard!. Yeah, I'm weird like that :) oh, and thank you my followers for putting up with me. Though I haven't been posting anything terribly wonderful lately.... I thank you for not posting some comments saying that you officially hate my lazy guts.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Videos, Videos, and More Videos!

Okay, so I had some friends over...... I had the fantabulous idea to make a music video because we were bored and I am very dangerous when I am bored so here they are! ( I made one another time with another group of friends :))

Monday, June 27, 2011


by Danielle
soaring over clouds,
over fields,
over mounds,
flap my wings,
say my prares,
flying over everywhere,
feel the breeze,
in my hair,
gliding along with ease.
I land in a puff,
with pillowy fluff,
my night adventure done,
now, I sing the flying song.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cece Jones

Cece Jones

CALYPSO ST BARTH jersey t shirt
$49 -

$17 -

Loose shirt
$13 -

H M short tee
£7.99 -


Isabel Marant skinny jeans
£209 -

Ksubi skinny jeans
$170 -

Acquaverde slim fit jeans
€105 -

Guess skinny jeans
$98 -

Low heels
$100 -

Zara boots
$50 -

Lace up ankle booties
$80 -

Woods boots
$78 -

Roxy rubber boots
$59 -

Cotton fingerless glove
£55 -

Alwyn Gloves
$60 -

Custom Made Hello Bonjour Brooch
£10 -

Saturday, June 25, 2011


     I took a whole lot of beuatiful pictures so just hold onto tomorow please!

Monday, June 13, 2011

TV lunch

     Today, I had my last day of school.  I'm so sad, but happy for summer! I got home because it was a half day and ate a tv dinner. That's about it. I'm pretty boring, and also, visit my new blog! Go to it here, it's called Roseclan and I am in love with it!


Saturday, June 11, 2011


I have recently rediscovered my love for warriors. Not very creative but I started my own clan. So, what I am asking you guys is to maybe visit it, or follow it? I am really trying and I personally think it's awesome :) but what do I know? That's where you come in. You can tell your friends and if or if not it's awesome!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Things I Adore

Okay, so lately I haven't had time for a serious post, but that's all going to change. Here are a list of things that I have been lovin' recently.

1. Strawberry Freckleface. I just recently found her amazing blog through an old Horsefeather's post. I oviously fell in love with her fashion and style.
2. Horsefeathers. I have fallen in love with this blog also. I can't believe that there is a blog out there with the perfect blend of photography and fashion.
3. Urban Outfitters. I don't think there is a more perfect store. Nor can I believe at how pricey it is :( 4. Steampunk. Steampunk is an awesome vintagey etsy shop with amazing stuff for my seeking-ly lifeless eyes.

WEll, here are some things I desperately need/cannot live without.