Saturday, February 19, 2011

La La La La La

Did I mention I love singing, or that I am in my state chorus? Well, I do, and I am! Last night was our concert and it was beyond awesome! The conductor was extremely nice and hilarious! He was great with kids too. We did nine songs! I felt like I was going to pass out on the risers because 1. My feet and legs were killing me. 2. There were about a thousand wats of light beating down on me. 3. And there were about another 200 kids on them with me! 4. Lastly, because I was on the top row! Curse my giganticness! Do you remember the girl in the pictures I posted last time? Well, she was in it too, and might I say, we looked Gorgeous, darling, gorgeous! I was wearing a strapless dress that was satiny silky, with a black bottom that went down to my knees. The top had a little beaded strap, and on top there was like a nappkin thing that was awesome! I acidently forgot to wear my good shoes, so I went out there with my orange converse! I love my converse, don't get me wrong, but it was a little embarassing although I got a million compliments, to stand in front of probaly over 300 people with sneakers and a sixty dollar dress on!
After the show I was just a chatter box and me and my dad got into the topic of photography. You see, we have this really old and really good camera that's worth probaly 500 dollars and when I was little I really wanted to take pictures with it, but I wasn't aloud to. I asked my dad if I could start taking more pictures wiht it, and he said yes! I really wanted to go outside and take some pictures this morning, but the wind is blowing like, 45 miles per hour!
Lastly, today I am most likely going to borders to blow my 31 dollars today and while I'm there I'm going to get a book on photography. That, and I'm going to get The Last Song and The Second Summer of the Sisterhood. Don't you just love books? I am a total and complete bookworm!

Still Soaring,

P.S Up to 6 followers! Thanks sooooo much everyone!

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