Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sorry For Delay

I've just been really busy lately with dance classes and friends, it's like my blog is a little bug on my windsheild! Down to the main subject: Cyber Bullying. I was just bullyed on facebook and I want to put Cyber Bullying to a forever stop in my life. Below are steps to avoid Cyber Bullying.

1. Block this person. If they can't reach you they'll probaly get frustrated and stop.

2. Ignore their attempts to annoy you. Bullies are like sharks. They crave for blood. If you give them what they want the chance is they'll keep coming for more bits of you until you'll be sickened at the thought of ever going on facebook again.
3. Stand up for yourself. If you stand up for yourself thae bully will be surprised.
Enjoy your bully-free days!
Still Soaring,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Berries Galore

Today I went outside with the really good camera and I found these neat yellow berries. The picture turned out really well so I played around with it in picnik. All of the edits turned out awesome, and I thought you guys might want to see them! I have also decided that I will hold free advertising of your etsy shops and blogs. There's a catch, you have to recemend High Flying to someone you know, and that he or she needs to follow me. It's a good way to advertise your blog. I'll write an article about why I like your blog or etsy shop and vwala *sorry for the spelling!* !
Still Soaring,
P.S I would dearly appreciate if you would post your favorite edit and what you think I could improve on!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

La La La La La

Did I mention I love singing, or that I am in my state chorus? Well, I do, and I am! Last night was our concert and it was beyond awesome! The conductor was extremely nice and hilarious! He was great with kids too. We did nine songs! I felt like I was going to pass out on the risers because 1. My feet and legs were killing me. 2. There were about a thousand wats of light beating down on me. 3. And there were about another 200 kids on them with me! 4. Lastly, because I was on the top row! Curse my giganticness! Do you remember the girl in the pictures I posted last time? Well, she was in it too, and might I say, we looked Gorgeous, darling, gorgeous! I was wearing a strapless dress that was satiny silky, with a black bottom that went down to my knees. The top had a little beaded strap, and on top there was like a nappkin thing that was awesome! I acidently forgot to wear my good shoes, so I went out there with my orange converse! I love my converse, don't get me wrong, but it was a little embarassing although I got a million compliments, to stand in front of probaly over 300 people with sneakers and a sixty dollar dress on!
After the show I was just a chatter box and me and my dad got into the topic of photography. You see, we have this really old and really good camera that's worth probaly 500 dollars and when I was little I really wanted to take pictures with it, but I wasn't aloud to. I asked my dad if I could start taking more pictures wiht it, and he said yes! I really wanted to go outside and take some pictures this morning, but the wind is blowing like, 45 miles per hour!
Lastly, today I am most likely going to borders to blow my 31 dollars today and while I'm there I'm going to get a book on photography. That, and I'm going to get The Last Song and The Second Summer of the Sisterhood. Don't you just love books? I am a total and complete bookworm!

Still Soaring,

P.S Up to 6 followers! Thanks sooooo much everyone!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Here are some awesome beyond aweosme photos!

Birds Mock Me

I was in class today and we had a substitude teacher. I sit in a seat that faces away from the window, and since it's been really warm today, I stared out the window. Then I got clostrophobic. *Note:I am not clostrophobic.* So I had my hand up for like an hour to ask him to open up the fricken windows! Then, I see a bird go by in the distance thinking, "You mock me bird, you get to fly, and be outside! * Note: this whole time the teacher didn't even notice! Dontcha just love subs?*

The rest of the day I just could not stand to be indoors! I hated it! Even my walk home felt like heaven!

*****RANDOM ALERT!!!!!*****

Conversation between two hobos

"Hey bob, what's with your shirt?"

"You're wearing the same shirt, hobo!"

"If you haven't noticed, we're both hobos."

Back to reality, hobos don't talk like that! Hehe, I just love hobos, don't you?
Still Soaring,
And down to four followers!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Heart Ninjas

I Heart Ninjas
I Heart Ninjas by Danielle Rothwell featuring glitter bracelets

This is a really random outfit, it's something that I would really wear. Especially the bathing suit! Too Cute!

My Morning Routine

I thought it would be interesting to post about how I get up in the morning and compare to all or your daily routines!

7:05 Wake up to IHome
7:30 Actually get out of bed
7:30- 7:40 Get dressed
7:40-7:50 Brush hair
7:50- 8:00 brush teeth, get shoes and socks on
8:00- 8:07 Rush out of the house

*Somewhere in between Wake up and Get dressed I eat Breakfast*

How does your morning useually go? Good or Bad? *Mine is usally Bad*

Still Soaring,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Punk Rock Chick

Punk Rock Chick
Punk Rock Chick by Danielle Rothwell featuring short denim shorts

This is a really edgy peice designed for people who want to go out and have some fun!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Yesterday, my friends came over and we had a sleepover. My one friend had to go to church so she left really early. My friend, Amby, came and I asked her if she wanted to have a blog. She did, so I made her a blog! I would really apreciate if you would follow her! Anyways we are really different. She is wearing a cashmere sweater and her new cargo pants, while I am in ripped jeans, a tee shirt, and a sweatshirt. She had pasta salad, and I had a bowl of grated cheeese. We are totally different, but it's exactially how we work. Alll three of us had alot of fun doing makeovers, dancing, talking, and eating! I love having sleepovers at my house, they're so much fun. *haha, I said fun way too many times!* We did facial mask twice, and I ended up with the green clay mask, we were all joking about how weird we looked. Amby is really pretty, I mean seriously, beautiful darling, pretty! She did the glowing facial mask and she looked like a goddess! You can get to her blog, once she's finished with it, at She is really random, and you might find her using text language once in a while, but she's one of my best friends in the universe!

Still Soaring,

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Have You Ever Thought About..

Have you ever thought about how you were going to turn out in life? Have you ever thought of why the early worm catches the bird? Have you ever thought about what inspired Pocaso? Or what in the world went on in Saccachaweea's *wrong spelling, eeek!* mind when she agreed to help Louis and Clark? They're so many things to think and worry about these days that it's hard keeping track, anyways! I'm planning a sleepover today and I can't wait! (I <3 sleepovers, who doesn't?) Well, since they're so many things to think about, how do you organize it all? Well, there are these little people you have to hire to go in through your ear and organize your thoughts. No, not really *but I wish* but you can organize your brain. You can do that by storing away precious thoughts such as, "The sky is so bright and shiny today." and not, "Stupid guidance counceler! She thinks I'm crazy just because I like to take pictures of eyes!" *haha, I do like taking pictures of eyes!* That is the secret to keeping your brain organized!

Still Soaring,

P.S Did you know that the average human only uses 10 % of their brain? Insane, right?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Three Followers

We have finally hit three followers! Hurray! Thanks and thanks again to Hannah! Anyways since its starting to hit spring here, I've decided to post a spring craft! Have fun!

Hint, hint! These are Baby Jar Gardens! *they're so adorable!*
Still Soaring,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Had a Diamond Day

Yesterday, I realized that I forgot to post! *I am very sorry about that!* Anyways, yesterday I was having a diamond day. Mostly because I found out that we're doing "Diamons are a girl's best friend" by Marilyn Monroe! It was extremely awesome. So, I took two pictures of these diamond beads I have! *I'm only posting one, thought.* Enjoy!
Well, anyways, when I was waiting for school to open, I took an amazing picture of this bird. I'll post it tomorrow!
STill Soaring,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sorry For Being Super Late

I'm super sorry that it took me so long to post, I actually had homework tonight, so it was a little squished in my schedule. I've also been working on a new story! Well, I'm entering Cornet Crazie's Winter Contest, and I can't post it yet because I have to get the picture, and well, the one I have really sucks! I just added a new "Happy Playlist"! I wanted to have a happy feeling everytime I visited my blog and "Hot Air Balloon" by Owl city completely ROCKS! I love that feeling when your dancing to Owl City, complete and utterly BLISS! I love how happy it makes me feel, and I hope it makes you happy too!

Still Soaring,


Monday, February 7, 2011

A Personal Record

I am very excited! I have TWO followers on like, the FIRST day I started blogging! *sounds pathetic doesn't it?* I hope I haven't just creeped everyone out enough to make them stop blogging *frowns*, If so, I'm not freaky! I'm just abnormally weird. Well, so far I'm not getting off to a good start. Well here are a list of things that are a random things off my tongue that I am craving right now.

~Cookie Dough
~A good fresh, green notebook
~Polka Dots
~ A bubble bath
~Some calming Anya music
~A bowl of vanilla ice cream
~ SOME MORE FOLLOWERS!! *not to be rude to the ones I have, I <3>
Now that you know some of my cravings, what are some of yours?
I have three more things to say.
1. I am starting a new book about war fairies, and its awesome so far!
2. Our reading unit this week is Helping the envirment, so I'm going to post a good thing I've done for the envirment that day every post, and if you want you can send me a thing that you've done that day that's been good for the envirment. And you might be featured on *drum role please!* ENVIRMENTAL HELPERS OF THE WEEK! It's awesome! Plus you get a special button made by, Mwah!
3. I'm going to have Awesome Music Mondays starting next week! Keep your eyes open!
Still Soaring,
P.S Tell your friends! Sorry to sound desperate, I hate to admit it, but I am!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


You bring me a temporary bliss,
and happiness,
then you leave me in the dust,
why do I make such a fuss?

Over the weekend we had some friends over. Those friends were kolby and Kayla. We went sledding in my backyard and took turns on my snowboard. I had fun with both of them but Kayla and I watched one of my all-time favorite shows: GLEE! Our stumaches were aching by the time we stopped laughing and that wasn't until ten. So I would say, I'm glad that they left, but then again I'm not glad they left, do you know what I mean? What I'm saying is that I had fun, but I was super tired by the time they left. I'm not making any sense am I? Well, that's what I get when I have my head stuck in the clouds!

Still Soaring,

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hello Again!

Hi, this is danielle and I wanted to start a personal blog, and not a warriors blog this time so here I am! I hope you like this blog, and enjoy it!

Yours Truly,