Thursday, July 28, 2011

Florence and The Machine

     I think I am in love. Seriously! I am in love with Florence + the Machine! It's the most amazing band ever, my favorite song is Rabbit Heart, it's pure bliss for me. I also enjoy The Drumming Song, Cosmic Love, and Dog Days Are Over. If you've been wondering why I neglected posting for... four days, well blame it on their awesome music :)
     By the way, I also apologize for my messed up posting, I just had a need to do something insane and I did :) Don't you just love me? Well, anyways, I've been so insanely busy right now in between Marsupial Girl practices and friends and chores and instruments, I have just been a very naughty blogger! (Though I sadly say I only have six followers :() I just have been so distracted lately that I am a little messed up, yes, messed up. 
     Okay so, yeah. I am not really an interesting person but, tell your friends, and tell your friends friends! I am very depressed here about my followers... I have to start "advertising" again. *wink, wink* I really have nothing else to say so... I am going to put up the music video for "rabbit heart" right now. Yeah so love ya'll!  

P.S Sorry for the short post, I really don't have anything else to say :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Love you all

I love you all. What a perfect way to start a post! I am not exactally happy with the way my camping trip went, so happy to meet you and you and you! I am just having a fabulous tea party, would you like to join me?

Tea. There is lots and lots of tea. We have Mint Tea, Herb Tea, and Mixed Berry Tea. Which would you like?
Food. Well, there is lots of food, we have biscuits, honey and bread, cookies, and more. 
Tea Cups. Well, do you want the ones with the flowers, or the ones with the bees, or even the ones with barney on them!

Just like a tea party, your life is yours to decide. I made mine into a ginger tea with lots and lots of Honey, what are you? Confession time yes, it's my first confession post so here goes.
Confession 1: I miss my friends. I haven't seen my dear best friends in over a week!
Confession 2: I want to go to paris really, really, really badly!
Confession 3: I don't like me. 

What type of tea are you? Your time to decide, not mine

What I will Wear When I go to Paris......someday.......

What I will Wear When I go to Paris......someday.......

Thursday, July 14, 2011

That's How The King Works

     Yes, another tv quote. I dearly apologize for that, I truly do. But, it was a hilariously stated comment made by a characters older brother when she and her family was at dinner. Her dad and the rest of her family didn't want her to date a boy who cheated on her by kissing a school ummm  *schlut....* and she wanted too. To explain how the household works her dad called it a kingdom, altimately leaving him the possioning of a king.
     The funny part is that at the end of their conversation the family says the final answer is a no. Her older brother, who has down syndrome, looks straight at her and says: that's how the king works. Funniest or one of the funniest things I have ever heard! And a.k.a that was via the secret life of the american teenager. I am watching it from the very beginning and that was episode three.
     So, I do say I have gotten into a play called the tale of a west texas marsupial girl, and I sadly say that we have practice eight hours a week, and I am playing a really big part if I do say so myself. So that equals two days four hours each. It is grueling work of theater!
     I would love for all five of you to come to the play, but that would give away my identity, so for now, tata!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nobody Tosses a Dwarf!... Ahhh not the beard!

Today I didn't go to my summer child care because *cough, cough* I have a sore throat. Yes, I know it's not a very good excuse but my Mom didn't go to work either! Well, since I have all this free time, I decided to watch The Lord of the Rings. Note: I have never seen the movie before and since I've heard how good the books and the movies are, I decided to watch it. Ummm.... let's just say I think I'm obsessed :) I am watching it right now and I've got to take a break from typing because I'm at the part where Galdaf is hanging off a cliff after defeating the shadow. Yes, I will be back I dare say! *elevator music activated* HE FELL!!!!!! I can't believe it! He fell. Me. Not. Happy. I want him back! But, I think, since he's a wizard and all he will probally fly back up, right? I'm going to find out.
     Well, if your wondering why the post title is "Nobody tosses a dwarf!.... Ahhh not the beard!", it's because that is now my new favorite quote, let's hear the explanation, now shall we? *laughs maniaclly* Well, this dwarf king is about to jump across a big break in some seriously dangerous stairs, and before he jumps can you guess what he says? He says: Nobody tosses a dwarf!", then when he's losing his balance the hot guy with the long white hair grabs his beard to pull him back up..and can you guess what he says to that? He screams: Ahhhhhh not the beard!. Yeah, I'm weird like that :) oh, and thank you my followers for putting up with me. Though I haven't been posting anything terribly wonderful lately.... I thank you for not posting some comments saying that you officially hate my lazy guts.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Videos, Videos, and More Videos!

Okay, so I had some friends over...... I had the fantabulous idea to make a music video because we were bored and I am very dangerous when I am bored so here they are! ( I made one another time with another group of friends :))